September 17th, 2020
It's taken me almost two weeks to feel like I had recovered after the glorious, but apparently hard on my body 10K lake swim. I've been in the pool pretty regularly since that time, but today was the day to officially kick-off my return to pool training with my 3 x 300 test set.
I was at LA Fitness in yards, did the full warmup and then swam the 3 x 300 test set on a 4:00 interval:
My best performance ever on this was back in December of 2016, when I went 3:08+, 3:09, 3:08+
2016-01-04 - 3:16, 3:15, 3:14
2018-11-23 - 3:25, 3:22+, 3:19+
2019-08-01 - 3:34, 3:33, 3:30
2019-12-02 - 3:27, 3:29, 3:25
2020-02-03 - 3:18, 3:17, 3:19
2020-08-02 - 3:22, 3:26, 3:25
2020-09-17 - 3:24, 3:25, 3:24
Thus, I've not gotten any faster, but more importantly, not really gotten any slower since early August. So it goes.