6 November 2020
I'll be the first to admit that my month of October was not the greatest training month in the pool. While I got to the pool a lot, work stress and the resulting sleep disruptions from said stress has made for some shoddy efforts in the pool. Things lightened up (a bit), though, at work over the last week and I've felt better and been more consistent. The sudden blast of heat the last couple of days after snow on Sunday certainly brightened my mood as I headed over to a mid-afternoon, 45 minute time slot at the East Bayfield Pool ...

... to repeat my 3 x 300 Test Set. After a robust 1,500 meter warmup, I launched right into it 3 x 300: on 4:30, fast pace aiming to even split as much as possible
Past performances:
08-07-09: 3:36, 3:34+, 3:33
09-01-09: 3:27, 3:25+, 3:26
11-16-09: 3:47, 3:49, 3:51
12-08-09: 3:31, 3:32, 3:30
01-10-10: 3:32, 3:30, 3:31
03-02-10: 3:28, 3:29, 3:27
04-09-10: 3:34, 3:28, 3:27
08-16-10: 3:34+, 3:37, 3:38
05-06-11: 3:32, 3:29, 3:31
06-03-11: 3:27+, 3:26+, 3:26
07-04-11: 3:30, 3:36, 3:42
09-07-11: 3:41, 3:37, 3:37
10-07-11: 3:42, 3:39, 3:36
11-10-11: 3:30, 3:26+, 3:27
11-29-11: 3:30, 3:34, 3:37
01-02-12: 3:46, 3:44, 3:41+
01-31-12: 3:39, 3:36, 3:35
02-27-12: 3:34, 3:30+, 3:27+
03-26-12: 3:28, 3:25, 3:24 - BEST PERFORMANCE EVER
05-19-12: 3:32, 3:34, 3:35
06-19-12: 3:30, 3:28, 3:25+
07-12-12: 3:44, 3:42, 3:30
08-19-12: 3:32, 3:31, 3:33
09-14-12: 3:31+, 3:31, 3:29
03-25-13: 4:05, 4:00+, 3:57
04-12-13: 3:48, 3:45, 3:42
05-10-13: 3:42+, 3:39, 3:40
08-11-13: 3:50, 3:45, 3:40
08-31-13: 3:39, 3:37, 3:34+
10-05-13: 3:38+, 3:33+, 3:32
11-09-13: 3:28, 3:31, 3:29
03-29-14: 3:39, 3:35, 3:33
05-06-14: 3:37, 3:39, 3:38
06-03-14: 3:30, 3:28+, 3:28
07-10-14: 3:27, 3:25, 3:26+
08-19-14: 3:37, 3:34, 3:33
05-03-15: 3:40, 3:34, 3:30
07-06-15: 3:32, 3:36, ... skipped
08-16-15: 3:38, 3:35, 3:32
09-14-15: 3:32+, 3:32+, 3:29
10-19-15: 3:27, 3:28, 3:31
03-13-16: 3:35, 3:33, 3:33
05-10-16: 3:44, 3:42, 3:38
06-14-16: 3:32, 3:30, 3:28
08-07-16: 3:34, 3:37, 3:35
09-04-16: 3:38, 3:34, 3:33
10-08-16: 3:30, 3:31+, 3:30-
10-05-20: 3:39, 3:38, 3:40
11-06-20: 3:35, 3:34+, 3:36
I had enough time to warmdown for a total of 2,550 meters. Though only 4 seconds faster per 300 than a month ago, it is still progress. Hopefully, by the time I do this in another 4 weeks, I can be pressing closer to the 3:30 mark. It would be really cool to re-approach that best effort from back when I was a youngin' in 2012 (e.g., 45 years old!)