2 January 2023
The year I turned 45, 2012, was not just the best year of my Masters' swimming "career" in terms of performance, I'd put it up with my 16-year-old year as one of the best of my entire life. I trained well and consistently and had one of the best meets of my life, the US Masters Nationals in SCY, and then a fairly strong meet that summer at the long course version of the same. It was also a year when I was a paid "online coach" for USMS (mind you, not much, but paid nonetheless), so I was very focused on writing strong workouts. I took most of my own medicine, as well, making my coached workouts as the core of my training whenever I wasn't training with a team.
With that in mind, I'm going to try to repeat as many of those workouts as possible this year, starting with a yards rendition of this workout from January 2nd, 2012, originally done in short course meters:

Times from the 1,700 standard(ish) warmup sets
100s free descend with snorkel - 1:11.5, 1:09.6, 1:07.4, 1:04.3
100s dolphin/flutter kick descend on back - 1:25.8, 1:25.2, 1:23.9, 1:22.3
50s IM order - 30.4, 33.4, 38.5, 31.5
3 x 300 Base Pace Test Set
My best performance ever on this was back in December of 2016 when I went 3:08+, 3:09, 3:08+
Best in 2022 was on 2022-04-07 - 3:13, 3:13, 3:13
Most recent in 2022 was on 2022-11-21 - 3:20.0, 3:22.4, 3:20.5
Today, 2023-01-02 - 3:16.5, 3:18.4, 3:19.9
This puts me at a 1:06.1 average pace, so I should set my new Base Pace at 1:15/100.