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IM & Goggle Maintenance

21 November 21

Either one of my whopping 8 unique visitors to my hothouse post works for LA Fitness, or they're finally choosing to save some electricity dollars, but the water was almost comfortably cool today. As promised to myself, I repeated my 400 IM test set and my 400 kick for time workout from last Saturday, making improvements on both.

Warmup (1,750 yards)

  • 1 x 400: IM kick-drill by 25s

  • 4 x 100: on 1:20, free descend w/snorkel, 1:12, 1:10, 1:07, 1:03+

  • 4 x 100: on 1:45, IM kick on back descend, 1:31, 1:29, 1:28, 1:26

  • 6 x 50: on 0:55, #1 and #6 cruise, #2 to #5 IM order strong, 0:33, 0:35, 0:39, 0:29

  • 8 x 25: on 0:30, odds IM order fast, evens easy

  • 1 x 50: easy

400 IM Test set (2,100 yards)

8 x 50: on 0:55, 2 each stroke, build the odds and make sure the evens are at target 400 IM race pace

  • My dream splits would be 29+ fly, 31+ back, 36+ breast, 29.0 free

  • 10/10/13 - 29, 30+, 36-, 28-

  • 01/26/20 - 34, 35, 40, 32

  • 08/03/20 - 34, 35, 42, 32

  • 09/21/20 - 37, 34, 42, 31+

  • 10/02/20 - 32, 34, 40, 31

  • 11/21/20 - 31, 32, 38, 29

  • 11/13/21 - 32, 33, 39, 29

  • 11/21/21 - 31, 32+, 38, 28

1 x 50: on 1:40, drill/cruise with snorkel

4 x 100: on 1:40, do as 100 IMs, descend to target 400 IM race pace divided by 4, ideally starting on #1 no slower than 12 seconds above that

  • (In the old days), my SCY target would be to descend from 1:14+ to 1:02

  • 10/10/13 - 1:11+, 1:10, 1:07, 1:03+

  • 01/26/20 - 1:22, 1:18, 1:14+, 1:10

  • 08/03/20 - 1:27, 1:20, 1:15, 1:13

  • 09/21/20 - 1:25, 1:21, 1:18, 1:15

  • 10/02/20 - 1:22, 1:18, 1:14+, 1:11++

  • 11/21/20 - 1:17+, 1:14, 1:10+, 1:07

  • 11/13/21 - 1:21, 1:16, 1:12, 1:07

  • 11/21/21 - 1:20, 1:16, 1:10, 1:06

1 x 50: on 1:20, drill/cruise with snorkel

2 x 200: on 3:00, build each stroke on #1, try to make #2 at target 400 IM race pace divided by two (e.g., 2:05+ in SCY back when I dreamed of going 4:11)

  • 10/10/13 - 2:28, 2:13+

  • 01/26/20 - 2:42, 2:27

  • 08/03/20 - 2:57, 2:37

  • 09/21/20 - 2:48, 2:37

  • 10/02/20 - 2:45+, 2:31

  • 11/21/20 - 2:42, 2:25

  • 11/13/21 - 2:40, 2:24

  • 11/21/21 - 2:44, 2:20

4 x 50: active recovery on 0:45, 0:50, 0:55, 1:30

1 x 400: IM on 5:30, hard

  • 10/10/13 - 4:36 (1:05, 1:09, 1:20, 1:02)

  • 01/26/20 - 5:05

  • 08/03/20 - 5:30

  • 09/21/20 - 5:18

  • 10/02/20 - 5:09

  • 11/21/20 - 4:58.7 (thanks Garmin Swim 2 watch for timing me!)

  • 11/13/21 - 4:57

  • 11/21/21 - 4:54+

4 x 50: active recovery on 0:45, 0:50, 0:55, 1:30

Kick It to Close (650 yards)

  • 1 x 400: dolphin-flutter by 25s kick w/board, was 6:09

That 4,500 yard workout put me just 100 yards under 20,000 for the week, not only record volume for this year, but amongst the longer weeks of training I've ever do in my Masters career. Starting to feel more confident about my chances of swimming some halfway decent times in three weeks.

As my goggles were starting to fog up a little bit, I got home and gave them their own bath: a simple overnight soak in a water + baby shampoo will completely rejuvenate these for another month or so. My Speed Vanquishers (below) will be 8 years old come January (as I bought them at the University of Texas back in January 2014 when I took my oldest daughter there for a meet) and I easily see another decade or more of life in them thanks to this simple trick!


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