20 April 2022
While many LA Fitness locations can be hit or miss when it comes to their pools, I should give my local Barrie location props:
They seem to have struck a good balance between "real training temperature" (e.g., 78-80F) and "fitness club temperature" (usually 84-86F) and keep the water these days right around 82 or so. A bit on the warm side for me, but not so warm that I can't crank out an intense workout.
Also related to temperature, they have their showers set to actually get cold, so that you can cool down after a hard workout. My experience is that many fitness centers tune their showers too hot.
But, finally, a thing I like most is that we have just enough members (thus far) and I've learned their swimming habits (generally) well enough so I can most often time my arrival to find a beautiful empty pool!

For this morning's workout, I won't get any props for creativity, but I am aiming to repeat my Broken Mile workout each week on Wednesday for three weeks until I transition to taper time. Of course, this was done after my standard, long 1,750 yard warmup, where my warmup speed was satisfactory:
100s free - 1:11, 1:10, 1:07, 1:04
100s IM kick on back - 1:31, 1:29, 1:27, 1:25
50s build IM order - 33, 33+, 39, 31
3 rounds of:
3 x 50: on 0:45
2 x 100: on 1:25
1 x 150: on 2:05
followed by one extra round of the 3 x 50s to total 1,650 yards.
Results compared to earlier this year and back to my best ever performance on this:
November 12, 2015:
50: solid 0:29s, maybe one 0:28+ and one 0:30-
100: 0:59s/1:00-s
150: 1:30, 1:29, 1:28+
February 27, 2022
50: 32 to 33+
100: 1:05, 1:05, 1:06+, 1:06, 1:07+, 1:07
150: 1:39, 1:41, 1:43
April 13, 2022
50: solid 0:31, getting to 0:30s on last two of the 4th round
100: 1:04, 1:02+, 1:04+, 1:04, 1:04, 1:04
150: 1:37, 1:37, 1:37+
April 20, 2022
50: 30+, 31, 30+, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 30+, 30-
100: 1:03, 1:03, 1:03, 1:03, 1:03+, 1:03+
150: 1:36, 1:35, 1:36
I did an active recovery set of 7 x 50 on 0:35 (free), 0:40 (free), 0:45 (free), 0:50 (free-back), 0:55 (back), 1:00 (back swim, back drill) and 1:05 before testing my speed:
8 x 50: on 1:00, odds fast IM order (0:30, 0:32, 0:38, 0:29), evens easy
I added an extra 100 cool-down for a great 4,250 yards in almost exactly 75 minutes.