I imagine that, when most people think about swimming towns, Mesa, Arizona doesn't automatically rise to the top of mind, but I think you'd be hard-pressed to find a city that has invested more broadly or spectacularly in swimming facilities than Mesa.

When most cities across the country struggle to invest in even one 50 meter pool, Mesa built two, world-class facilities - the Kino Aquatic Center and Skyline Aquatic Center (pictured below).

These pools have hosted mega-aquatic events like US Masters Nationals at Kino in 2011 and the globally-significant USA Swimming Pro Swim Series, made most famous back in 2015 when Michael Phelps used this event at Mesa's Skyline pool for his return to the sport. Beyond these big events, though, the City of Mesa supports aquatic events across all ages and capabilities. If you show up on a weekend or summer day, you might find a mixture of lessons, water polo, synchronized swimming, age group and Masters swimming going on at the same time. One of the highlights of my swim-viewing experiences was watching a friend's son swim at a Special Olympics event held at Skyline. I just got back from a fun, one-day Masters Swimming meet put on by the ever-energetic Mesa Aquatic Club's Masters and was reminded again of what a great aquatics town this is. Thanks, Mesa for being such a huge supporter of the entire aquatic community.